
Bowmansville Fire Haunted Hayride

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Bowmansville Fire Haunted Hayride
36 Main St, Bowmansville, NY 14026, USA
Bowmansville, NY
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Haunted Hay Rides

Bowmansville Fire HAUNTED HAYRIDE 2018
Friday and Saturday October 19th & 20th 2018 from 7-10PM. HANDICAP AND WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE. $5 per person. Proceeds benefit Timmy's Battle. Pumpkin Drop Firefighter style to start off each night at 7PM!!! Cider, donuts, hot chocolate, coffee, bon fire. Pizza, pop, water available for purchase. Costume Contest each night! Rain or shine! We are a 100% volunteer hayride and are greatful for the help we receive from other organizations to continue this awesome event each year! Located Bowmansville Vol. Fire Station #1, 36 Main St. Bowmansville, NY 14026. Off Genesee St. Like and share our Facebook page and event-
Bowmansville Fire Haunted Hayride! Thank you for your support!

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