
Nightmare on Main: Unsettling Tales- Legend, Myth, Folklore

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Nightmare on Main: UnsettlingTales- Legend, Myth, Folklore
Don't be disappointed so get On Line Tickets at Spooktober at the America Museum. In 2023 five out of six nights were sold out.

The 2024 event is our tenth year of presenting creepy, haunting stories mostly based on history. This year 'Unsettling Tales" will present scenes based on legends, myths and folklore that is mostly inspired by true stories. Take a dark journey from the curses of Ancient Egypt to the graveyards of eastern Connecticut.
Nightmare on Main Tours are rain or shine and will start every twenty minutes between 7:00 to 9:40 p.m. The event is scary, creepy but not much blood and gore, and appropriate for ages 10+. Refreshments will be available. The event is a fund raiser to benefit the Eastern CT Veteran Community Center. Tickets are on line at Spooktober.org.. For more information contact director@windhamarts.org

Facebook: NightmareonMain Willimantic phone 860-742-6143

Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
2022 GHOST TOWN Trailer

Latest Reviews

  • Wonderful props. You can tell lots of work goes into building them. This will be their eighth year and I've been to them all. Great night for the adults to go out.

    Posted Sep 2022

  • Good and creepy. History at its non-boring best.

    Posted Sep 2019

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